Thank you!

Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by. Any given day can be a different emotion. You'll never know what to expect. Things can be humurous one day and a deep thought the next. The point is to share my heart and thoughts with others. Hope you enjoy, and can find understanding, peace, laughter, and joy through what I write.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

You have a purpose!!  We were created for more than just walking through this maze of life with nothing to find at the end.  The BIG cheese is waiting for us!!  Can you smell him? Can you taste it?  You can't see it though, and that's what makes everyone there such a thing as GOD?  Is there a possibility that someone so big would create something and someone so relatively small, and love you?!  I like to think so.  How amazing is it to think that God is watching over you and you don't even have to ask.  He sees it all.  I hope you will walk through this journey with me and see for yourself, that God is real, He loves you, and He wants the best for you.  We may not see the piece of cheese at the end, or know what's around the corner; much less take the right turns at times, but God's there waiting for us!!  Arms open wide, smiling, and cheering us on.  He sees the WHOLE picture not just the turns and dead ends.  Take a whiff of the cheese and let it guide you to the end.  So what if you find your self at a dead end, or take the wrong turn!  Turn around and walk the other way.  No one's perfect!  We all know that and can see it clearly.  A mistake is just that, a Miss-Take.  Do a Re-Take and get back on track!  Life's not a scorecard of right an wrong and whoever has the least wrong tallied by their name wins.  If you have a lot of wrongs tallied, you've probably learned alot!
Life's about finding your purpose and going after it, no matter the cost!  Share it with someone, and in doing that someone else will find their purpose.  God's contagious that way!  I hope you get the God-pox!  There's no vaccine for it.

1 comment:

  1. I love that. How true is that? He is present without asking!! Well done!! Love your thoughts!!
