Yesterday I took some time for ME. That's how my day started. As the day went on and ended, I realized that it wasn't a day for ME at all.
Why as a mother is it so hard to take time for yourself? I built myself up all week, and I really needed it. It felt like I drudged through the day, and just wanted my ME time to be over!! As moms we all need to take time for ourselves, but why do we feel guilty? Let me give you a brief look into my day:
8am - Drop the kids off at school, Picture Day!!!
9:30am - Just leaving school!! I had an opportunity to work picture day for FREE pictures. My husband and I both discussed whether to work or not. We said no.....Picture prices OUTRAGEOUS!!!! Wouldn't you know it the prices spiked.
10:20am - Shop for and purchase son's football team end of season goodie bags. Yes, I'm team mom.
11:20am - Heading to another store to finish end of season goodie bags, because the first store didn't have enough of 1 item.
11:40am - Heading to the movies to see a movie I've been wanting to see. This is my first time to go to a movie alone.
11:50am - Silence my phone and set it in my lap, in case the school should call because onr of my boys needs to be rushed to the hospital or picked up. (Why do we worry?)
12:30ish - The doorbell rings in the movie.....I set my stuff down and just as I'm about to pop out of my seat, I remember I'm in the movie theater and not at home. 2 minutes later I can finally focus on the movie again.
1:15pm - Check my phone for the time. I got too relaxed in the movie and was afraid I would miss picking up the kids.
1:45pm - Check the time again. Really?! I picked the time of the movie I did so I didn't have to worry about being late to school to pick them up!!
1:53pm - Movie is over, I'm relieved that it's over so I'm not late.
2:00pm - Trying to figure out what to do now. Wishing I could just go get my kids.
3:15pm - Boys are picked up, thankful to have them back. Now I don't have to feel guilty about ME time.
Does anyone else ever feel this way? Why do we feel guilty? I know why. Because those little people lived in us for 9 months. They went everywhere with us, and felt all of our emotions. They come out, and they depend on us. They smile at us, they calm down at the sound of our voice. They love us and need us. When everything is wrong, we're the first they come to (usually). Moms have the magic to make boo boos bearable. We calm fears. We lay with them when they can't sleep or are scared. We are the perfect pillows, and we cuddle just right. We do everythings for these little people from the day they're born, until they gain independence. Even then, we will always be needed, even if they don't want to admit it.
I know why we feel guilty....To take time for ourselves, means we have to give up time for them. So what if they're at school. I could've been at home cleaning and folding clothes. These things we do for them. Instead, I'm at the movies, but before that..I could've been shopping for me. What did I do? I shopped for them. I'm not saying I'm a super mom or unselfish. I'm very selfish, just check with me when I'm tired! We're all selfish, but how much time do we REALLY take for ourselves? The movie was really the one thing I did for me yesterday, and I was ansy just to get out of there!
We do need to take time for us, that's the only way we can give the best to them! Next time mom, try to enjoy yourself.. I know it's hard, believe me!
Even now, my boys are here with me waiting to cuddle. Gotta go, I'm gonna have some ME time with my boys!
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